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Agriculture 4.0

Over the past decades, Farming and agriculture have seen many technological changes, becoming more industrialized and technology-driven. The adoption of IoT solutions in agriculture industry is constantly growing. Technologies IoT have the potential to transform agriculture in many aspects. Today advanced analytics and real-time farm ambiance data are being used to drive decisions on fertilizing and watering the farmlands. With the advancement of IoT technology, farmers have gained greater control over the process of rearing livestock and growing crops which helps them creating a massive scale efficiencies, reducing costs and taking better seasonal and daily decisions.

Sensital's IoT centric ecosystem built on its iBOTics platform takes control of every aspect of farming including monitoring of Climate & soil Conditions, crop management, greenhouse automation and many more benefits in the queue to automate the complete farm operations.

IoT in Agriculture - Application Areas

Intelligent Farming with Sensital's iBOTics Platform

Soils infographic

Soils and Storage operations

  • Measure, track and automatically regulate the ambient conditions such as temperature, humidity, etc. in silos and storage areas for seeds & fertilizers.
  • Automatically initiate orders and replenish seeds, fertilizers, dispensation devices, etc.
Delivery infographic

Delivery & Dispensation operations

  • Dispense the right amount of fertilizers and water to your farmlands and at the right time.
  • Configure and integrate intelligence into your standard dispensation actions by integrating with weather services APIs.
  • Ensure that the crop reaches the market in optimal condition by tracking the crop all the way from harvesting to silos to packaging and distribution centers.
Equipment infographic

Equipment & Plant Operations

  • Enable real-time monitoring, diagnostics & optimal usage of your farm equipment to automatically initiate preventative maintenance of such assets.
  • Minimize false positives on process control by correlating data from multiple sensors, applying contextual logic and information triangulation.
  • Monitor, analyze and improve security, working conditions and worker productivity.
  • Automated & controlled irrigation in accordance with the needs of the crop.
  • Intelligent Farming with Sensital's iBOTics Platform
Agriculture Agriculture

KPI driven business operations optimization

Track your key business operations metrics in real time and initiate actions based on intelligent, triangulated information injected into your business processes.

Material Wastage

Material Wastage

Inventory Levels

Inventory Levels

Farm Asset Utilization

Farm Asset Utilization

Safety & Security

Safety & Security

Unplanned Outages

Unplanned Outages

Operational Costs

Operational Costs

Our Offerings

Maximize your ROI by reducing your overall OPEX with Sensital's IBOTics platform..

Condition Monitoring Solution

Condition Monitoring

Enhance efficiency and reliability of your assets & devices by monitoring temperature, current, pressure, vibration, flow levels etc. with our IoT-enabled condition monitoring solution


A skilled team, deep domain expertise and a highly configurable platform to deliver your transformational IoT based objectives

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